* 모든 강의는 YouTube에서 보실 수 있습니다 [재생목록 링크]
* 최신 강의 자료는 [과목 홈페이지] 에서 보실 수 있습니다.
1. Computer System Overview [Slides][Video]
- What is OS?
- Computer Hardware
2. OS Overview [Slides][Video]
- Role of Operating System (OS)
- Classification of OSs
- OS Architecture, OS Features
3. Process management [Slides][Video]
- What is the process?
- Process state
- Interrupt handling
4. Thread management [Slides][Video]
- What is the thread?
- Implementation of thread
5. Process Scheduling [Slides][Video]
- Goals of scheduling
- Criteria and Levels of scheduling, Scheduling policy
- Basic scheduling algorithms (FCFC, RR, SPN, SRTN, HRRN, MLQ, MFQ)
6. Process Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion [Slides][Video]
- Process synchronization
- Mutual exclusion (Low-level mechanism, High-level mechanism)
- Definition of the deadlock
- Deadlock model
- Deadlock resolution (Deadlock prevention, avoidance, detection & recovery)
8. Memory management [Slides][Video]
- Address binding
- Continuous memory allocation (Uni-Programming, Multi-Programming (FPM, VPM))
9. Virtual Memory [Slides][Video]
- Non-continuous memory allocation
- Virtual storage methods (Paging system, Segmentation system, Hybrid paging/segmentation system)
10. Virtual Memory Management [Slides][Video]
- Cost model
- HW components, SW components
- Page replacement scheme (FA-based, VA-based)
- Other considerations
11. File System [Slides][Video]
- Disk System
- File System
- Directory Structure
- File Protection, File System Implementation
12. I/O System & Disk Management [Slides][Video]
- I/O Mechanisms, I/O Service of OS
- Disk Scheduling
- RAID Architecture
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OpenMP/CUDA 강의 모음 (슬라이드 & YouTube 링크) (0) | 2020.08.30 |